John Adams

"When people talk of the freedom of writing, speaking, or thinking, I cannot choose but laugh. No such thing ever existed. No such thing now exists; but I hope it will exist. But it must be hundreds of years after you and I shall write and speak no more."

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A review of "How long before the Elephant gets loose?

In my colleges blog on abortion, I found the initial subject was strong and interesting. Abortion is a major issue on both sides of the political lines, whether you are for it or against it, it is still legal. Abortion was passed in 1973 because of a Dallas woman, Jane roe or Norma L. McCorvery (real name) sued the Dallas District Attorney Henry Wade in 1970. The case was won and Justice Harry Blackmun decided it was the "right of privacy, whether it be founded in the Fourteenth Amendment's concept of personal liberty and restrictions upon state action, as we feel it is, or, as the District Court determined, in the Ninth Amendment's reservation of rights to the people, is broad enough to encompass a woman's decision whether or not to terminate her pregnan cy". Now with that brief history, the second part of my colleges blog over Erlyndon J. Lo or “Joey”, I was left hanging on what happened to him. Was he arrested? Was he being investigated on his threat? Did they allow him to just simply be?

I did a little more research and found that on April 2, 2010 at 8:13am (according to the complaint) Jo walked into the U.S. District Clerk’s Office in Plano, Texas and filed a document entitled “Erlyndon J. Lo v. Roberts” (Chief Justice John Roberts of the United State Supreme Court) seeking a “Motion for an Immediate Temporary Restraining Order Seeking a Preliminary and Permanent Injunction” for abortion to be made illegal. In the Motion he stated:

“My life is at stake. I could be MURDERED AND KILLED as early as Friday, April 2, 2010 at 12:00 p.m. NOON in Dallas, Texas (“TX”) if you do not IMMEDIATELY GRANT MY REQUEST for in the very least a TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER!!!”

“I plan on saving at least one human life in Dallas, Texas at 12:00 p.m. at the Southwestern late-term abortion facility, 8616 Greenville Ave. at Royal Ln. (NE corner), Dallas 75243.”

“My religious beliefs include the beliefs that an individual is alive at the moment of conception, abortion is murder and is the worst murder of all murders possible because these babies are completely defenseless, and I am entitled under my religious beliefs to use deadly force if necessary to save the innocent life of another.”

Obviously, his motion was denied and Erlyndon J. Lo was arrested on April 3rd 2010, while he clearly stated he intended to carry out his assault on the 2nd of April. I found this information shocking. How, was he not arrested within hours of filling his motion? Thankfully no one was hurt. Unfortunately, I could not find anything on this story after April 9th and it was still the initial story. Erlyndon was supposed to appeare before a detention hearing on April 15th 2010, I was unable to find a follow up story on this. Erlyndon also posted on his website going into extreme detail over his views on abortion, hypothetical situations involving Michelle Obama, his motion, and is intentions for April 2nd 2010.